
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Rural Affairs Minister to attend winter fair in Mid Wales

Lesley Griffiths MS Minister for Rural Affairs and North Wales

 As one of the most important events in the Welsh rural calendar takes place the Minister for Rural Affairs, Lesley Griffiths, is encouraging visitors to this year’s Royal Welsh Winter Fair to call in to the Welsh Government stand

The Minister will be attending the event today [Monday, 28 November] and the stand in the South Glamorgan Hall will be open on both days.

Information on the Sustainable Farming Scheme, Farm Health and Safety, Agricultural Pollution, avian flu and many other topics will be available with staff on hand to help with queries.

The Winter Fair will also provide the opportunity for further discussions around the Sustainable Farming scheme, with the first meeting taking place of a working group looking at young and new entrants.   This follows a working group for tenant farmers which took place earlier this month

The Minister said: “It’s important we hear everyone’s views on the Sustainable Farming scheme, and we must ensure it will work for everyone.  I’m pleased the first working group for young and new entrants will take place at the fair, which is important to make sure we have a steady influx of fresh talent and energy to help the resilience of the industry.

“If you’re visiting the Fair please call in to the Welsh Government stand where staff will be ready to help with any queries you may have.

“I’m very much looking forward to this year’s Winter Fair which once again will showcase the best of Wales’ farming and rural life.”