
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

S4C Chair thanks Guto Harri for his contribution

In light of the decision by S4C to commission two further series of “Y Byd yn ei le” by ITV Wales – the series in which Guto Harri challenges politicians and commentates on the issues of the day, Guto Harri has decided to step down as a member of the S4C Authority in order to focus on broadcasting and journalism and to avoidany perception of a conflict of interest.

Guto Harri said:

“It has been a privilege and a pleasure to help the Chair, Authority and the S4C management team to put the channel back on a firm footing land in terms of funding, audience and friends. Under the new leadership of Owen Evans and Amanda Rees, the future is exciting and full of promise “

The chairman of S4C Huw Jonessaid:

“Guto has made a valuable and energetic contribution over the four years that he was a member of the S4C Authority, and we will very much lose him as a member. Of course we are pleased that his journalistic skills and experience are going to be on the S4C screen once more, and are looking forward to the new series of “Y Byd yn ei le”.

Y Byd yn ei le” returns to S4C next Tuesday evening 18 September 2018.