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“Solana vs Ethereum: An In-Depth Look at Scalability, Security, smart Contract and Community Support”

In the world of cryptocurrencies, many blockchains have been devised right after the development in the field of Bitcoin and its derivatives. After the invention of Bitcoin, there was a crowd of programmers to develop their technology so that a personal blockchain can be developed and as a result, can be profited upon. Solana and Ethereum are two of those blockchains that were developed as a result of friction between Bitcoin and their respective blockchains. As a result, the world came to know about different blockchain platforms that were before stuck to only a single platform for their blockchain-related purposes. To know more about bitcoin trading you can visit XBitcoin Club

What is Ethereum?

Ethereum was officially launched in the year 2015 after a well-known programmer named Vitalik Buterin who was an old pal of Bitcoin decided to part ways with Bitcoin and make something much bigger than Bitcoin itself. Thus, there was a complete switchover of interest in Buterin from Bitcoin earlier to Ethereum. This paved the way for the success of a different blockchain technology with some added features as compared to the blockchain of Bitcoin. The blockchain platform of Ethereum enables a user to develop many new technologies like decentralized applications and various smart contracts. This increased the popularity of ethereum and made it equally famous in the digital world.

What is Solana?

One of the most important concerns of customers connected with the digital platform involving crypto is to get assured of security and efficiency regarding the speed of transaction to be made over the digital networks. Solana successfully finishes first in this concern and just like ethereum manages to develop various decentralized applications along with various smart contracts. Also, Solana is regarded as the first blockchain to work on the Proof of History protocol which is much more efficient as compared to the Proof of Work. The transaction handling capability of this platform is more than twice as compared to the latter.

Comparison of Solana and Ethereum


When the question of scalability is involved, it is often measured in the units of TPS. Scalability is one of the most important factors when comparing blockchain networks. Ethereum’s current TPS rate is approximately 15-45 TPS, which is sluggish compared to Solana’s 65,000 TPS. Solana wins in this concern and successfully manages a lot more transactions as compared to the previous one. The scalability of Etherum also allows it to be more popular among users as compared to Ethereum.


Both the currency blockchain platforms have a world-class point of protocols associated with them in the form of Solana having the Proof of History and Ethereum having Proof of Work. The Proof of Work protocol is in use from time immemorial and has proven its mettle in the crypto world quite many times.

Smart Contract

Smart contracts are similar to hard and physical contracts having the terms and regulations devised in the smart or digital format. The Ethereum platform makes the smart contracts easily accessible as compared to that of Solana and as a result, the decentralized applications and many new decentralized applications can be easily developed on the same.

Community Support

The users of Ethereum all over the world are more than a million and a similar is true for Solana. As a result, there is no doubt that many customers believe in their respective blockchains and support them with their hearts. This is also supported by the fact that over a million customers actively participate in the trading facilities online on a regular basis.


Solana and Ethereum both are regarded as the future of blockchain and crypto technology. Thus, there is nothing to be felt bad keeping in view the current market trends as similar is believed to be relieved in a minor time interval to be in favor of these two.