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Swansea Council’s ageing well programme engages 500 residents weekly with free activities

Credit: Swansea Council

An initiative to encourage older people to get out and about, socialise and reduce loneliness and isolation keeps growing in popularity.

Swansea Council’s Ageing Well activities are now supporting around 500 residents every week, with low cost or no cost activities.

They include weekly walks, boules, movie afternoons, bowling, a choir, quiz and social get-togethers for a cuppa and chat.

There have also been day trips and people have taken part in various projects with youth clubs in Swansea, including afternoon teas, breaking down generational barriers.

Now the service, run by the Community Engagement Team, is laying on even more activities with our key partner agencies this summer including additional walking groups on Mondays and Wednesdays and positive mindset sessions on Tuesdays.

Many more free activities for people aged 50 and over are being run by charities and partners thanks to the council’s COAST (Creating Opportunities Across Swansea Together) initiative funded by UK Government Shared Prosperity Fund.

Cabinet Member for Community Support, Hayley Gwilliam, said the initiative is part of the council’s commitment to older people’s wellbeing so they can be supported to help prevent them needing more intensive support later on.

She said: “The continued growth and popularity of our ageing well work here in Swansea has been a big success over the last few years and is a key part of our enabling communities transformation work

“After the pandemic we wanted to encourage older people to get out and about to maintain and improve their health and wellbeing and to reduce loneliness and isolation.

“The first weekly session back in October 2022 started with just three people but since then word has spread and more and more activities have been added and now the team is working with more than 500 people aged 50 and over across any given week.

“I’m delighted to say that this work is being recognised nationally for the positive contribution it is making to the lives of so many of our residents and the team has been shortlisted for the Best Health and Wellbeing Initiative at this year’s Apse (Association for Public Service Excellence) awards. I’d like to congratulate the team for this and for all their work over the last few years”

The Ageing Well newsletter now reaches almost 3,000 residents every week with updates on activities and issues. To sign-up visit: https://www.swansea.gov.uk/50plus

For a daily calendar of COAST events for those aged 50 and over visit: https://www.swansea.gov.uk/coast50plus