
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

Swansea IT firms in multi-million-pound merger

Dave Matthews and Steve Bain

Two of Swansea’s leading IT companies have joined forces in a seven-figure acquisition. 

COMCEN, the Fforestfach headquartered IT company that services blue-chip, public and third sector organisations across the UK have acquired Pisys.net, the award-winning city-centre based IT support business.

The deal strengthens both organisations as their core products and services not only complement each other, but will add exceptional value to new and existing customers.

“We are delighted to have signed the deal that welcomes Pisys.net on board as part of the COMCEN group,” said CEO Dave Matthews.

“Recent industry demand has been for technology that enables business mobility and digital collaboration,” continued Mr Mathews, “and with this demand comes the need for digital security and support, so bringing Pisys.net on-board completes the package of services we can offer customers.”

With a client base that includes some of the largest government departments, universities and multi-national corporates; COMCEN are major players in the UK IT market.

“We offer an extensive range of IT and AV solutions to our clients,” said Mr Matthews, “and have always seen the opportunity for an enhanced technical support and security arm to our business and with Pisys.net, we certainly have this aspect firmly covered.”

Pisys.net, the IT support company founded by Steve Bain and John Merrick in 2003, provides support, technical help and security to businesses of all sizes from their offices in Swansea, Cardiff and Aberdeen.

Pisys.net director Steve Bain commented, “For seventeen years, we’ve been supporting companies across the UK with our IT help-desk services and have a team of over 20 staff that are quick to respond to the IT problems of clients.”

From resetting passwords and fixing WiFi issues to dealing with business-critical emergencies such as server malfunctions and network hacks; the Pisys.net team deal with a high volume of calls each day and are seen as the “outsourced IT department” for many businesses.

In recent years, however, the growth area has been in cybersecurity, and as smaller businesses become victims of cybercrime, preventative measures such as security audits, staff training and dark web monitoring have become integral and will form a core part of the COMCEN offering going forward.

“Becoming part of the COMCEN group is the perfect progression for us,” said Steve Bain, “and having the opportunity to access to the products, resources and support of such a market-leading organisation, and one that is Swansea based, was too good to pass up.”

The acquisition will see Pisys.net relocating to the Fforestfach offices of COMCEN, securing existing jobs and potentially creating new opportunities as they continue to provide IT support and security services to their existing customers as well as servicing COMCEN’s portfolio of clients.”