
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

Swansea youth activity schemes in the running for UK awards

Attendees of a summer 2019 Us Girls Swansea camp at Penlan Leisure Centre and Ysgol Gyfun Gymraeg Bryn Tawe.

Two successful Swansea projects are in the running for prestigious UK awards that promote the positive effects of sport and activity.

Manselton Youth Club and Us Girls Swansea are shortlisted for the 2020 StreetGames Awards.

The awards scheme showcases the power of sport to create positive change in the lives of young people.

The youth club was established by Swansea Council’s sport and health team around a year ago. A partnership with South Wales Police and the SwansTrust, it has the support of Manselton Community Centre’s voluntary management committee.

Us Girls Swansea Camps launched around five years ago and are organised in partnership with Freedom Leisure which runs Swansea’s community leisure centres and the LC on behalf of the council and local people.

Robert Francis-Davies, the council’s cabinet member for investment, regeneration and tourism, said: “I congratulate all those involved with Manselton Youth Club and Us Girls Swansea.

“It’s a real achievement to be shortlisted for these national awards and illustrates how the council continues to work hard on behalf of young people across Swansea.”

Robyn Lock, Swansea active communities manager for Freedom Leisure, said: “Us Girls has made a huge impact in Swansea.

“It’s great to show girls what opportunities are out there for them and to encourage them to remain active.

“Our partnership with the council’s sport and health team is hugely important and we’re looking forward to creating more opportunities for more people in Swansea.”

Lauren Thomas, of StreetGames and Us Girls, said: “The way the council’s sport and health team is supporting young people through Us Girls is a massive success.

“Their dedication to Us Girls attendees is outstanding. They listen to the girls, empower them and share skills with other organisations.

“This work has positively influenced many lives and has provided opportunities in the communities that need it most.”

Manselton Youth Club is shortlisted for the StreetGames Awards sustainability category. Us Girls Swansea is shortlisted in the engaging women and girls category.

The StreetGames charity works to make young people and their communities healthier, safer and more successful.

Manselton Youth Club is for young people aged 10-16 and targets anti-social behaviour.

It aims to use health and well-being as a tool to engage young people in activities instead of hanging around on the streets.

The club offers a range of activities such as football, health and beauty and arts and crafts.

This allows young people to socialise with their friends in a safe environment as well as having access to new local opportunities at a low cost.

The club is also open during school holidays when every young person receives a nutritious meal and snacks.

Young people can try a new physical activity such as mountain boarding.

Volunteers and partners play a key role in the club’s success.

Us Girls Swansea encourages those aged 8-14 to engage in sport and physical activity in a friendly non-judgemental environment.

Camps take place during school holidays in communities with high rates of deprivation. They offer a wide variety of sports and activities.

Girls also take part in workshops and discussions on topics relevant to them, including emotional health, barriers to being active, confidence and self-esteem.

Partner organisations include South Wales Police, Infonation and Barod, ConfiDance, Welsh Netball, the Ospreys and specialist coaches.

The ethos of the camps is fun, fitness and friends.

The two projects will find out if they have won national awards at the annual StreetGames Conference due to take place in Liverpool on March 25 and 26.