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Swansea’s sea wall features in art exhibition

Fine Art Lecturer, Alex Duncan, has created images of Swansea’s Sea Wall for exhibition at the Pontio Centre in Bangor.

The work is part of a Sea Exhibition which features the work of artists, poets and filmmakers and runs until 7 July.

Alex, who lectures sculpture and material-led investigation at Swansea College of Art, said:

“This work consists of 9 aluminium panels that detail a walked scan of a seawall in Swansea. The thinness of the Aluminium allows the form to curve back over itself, echoing the original curve of the concrete wall – a space that I would seek out upon my return to Wales every week during a time when I was commuting to teach at Swansea College of Art.

“The ‘coastal hardening’ along edges of coastline across the planet is a major issue, as countries try to deal with the socio-economic effect of rising sea levels, increased floods and storms. Concrete walls are often the go-to ‘defence’ however they have a major negative effect on the biodynamics and bathymetry of an ocean space, not allowing the wave energy to exhale.”

Alex was supported through the University’s Research and Impact Accelerator Programme (RIAP) for the exhibition and the collaborative workshops undertaken at the opening day by Kirsti Davies and Angela Davies, who explored the uses of seaweed.

The work of Vivian Ross-Smith was also featured and included a video and performance that she developed whilst working as a Freelands Fellow alongside the BA Fine Art, Studio, Site and Context course at Swansea College of Art.

Alex has exhibited work internationally whilst co-directing, ArtLacuna for the last 10 years, a not-for-profit Art space and studios in South London.