
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

Tesco gives funding boost to Holyhead project supporting people with dementia

Holyhead-based charity, Gwelfor Dementia Friends has received £4,000 to help support people living with dementia thanks to Tesco’s Bags of Help scheme.

Dementia Friends is committed to raising awareness and understanding of dementia to local businesses, schools, community groups and public services. The group are using the funding secured from Tesco to create a new Dementia Friendly room and cover the cost of two intergenerational projects in the community.

The local nursery has been working closely with two care homes in the area having being inspired by the ‘Toddlers Tackling Dementia’ programme. As part of the intergenerational initiative eight children aged between 3 and 4 years old visit the residents living with dementia on a weekly basis.

Dementia Friends works throughout the Holyhead region to make people aware of simple changes that can make a difference to someone living with dementia, their families and carers, ensuring that they can be supported, understood and included.

They have members of their steering group that are Dementia Champions, who go out to local community groups and businesses to deliver Dementia Awareness sessions, thereby creating more Dementia Friends.

Veronica Huband, Chairperson, said: “We’re really grateful to everyone who voted for us to receive Tesco’s Bags of Help funding. We wouldn’t be able to run and sustain projects to support people living with dementia without their help.

“Through our intergenerational project the feedback from the two care homes has been fantastic! Residents’ faces light up when they see the children and it’s lovely to see the interactions. Whilst the children are there they play games, make cakes, arts and crafts, have singalongs and take a walk along the beach. It’s a win-win for young and old!

“The residents might not remember from week to week what activities they have taken part in, but what they do remember is how happy they feel when the children are with them.”

Mary Kitching, Tesco Holyhead’s Community Champion said: “As a member of the Holyhead Dementia Friends Steering Group I was delighted to present a cheque for £4,000 to Holyhead Dementia Friends through the Tesco Bags of Help scheme.

“The work they do is amazing and I look forward to seeing the difference the money will make to the lives of people in our local community who are living with dementia.”

Graham Duxbury the National Chief Executive of Groundwork, which administers the scheme, said: “The Bags of Help scheme continues to enable local communities across Wales to improve their local spaces and places that matter to them. The diversity of projects that are being funded shows that local communities have a passion to create something great in their area. We are pleased to be able to be a part of the journey and provide support and encouragement to help local communities thrive.”

Customers are able to vote for a Bags of Help project in Tesco stores using a blue token given to them at the check-out. At the end of voting period, votes are collected and three groups in each of Tesco’s regions will be awarded funding.