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The Benefits of Everyday Running for Students

Too many people associate a healthy lifestyle with an expensive sports suit and a premium subscription to an elite gym nearby. This myth is particularly damaging for students – young people exposed to numerous stresses and overloads and having no extra money for their hobbies and interests. Thus, they postpone doing sports to the better times when they have money to invest. 

To help those who want to be healthy and sporty but don’t have time or money for the gym, Writing Essays For Money experts have compiled a handy guide on a free and accessible sport – running. Here we examine the benefits of regular jogging, giving a clear answer to the question, “should I start running?” Our answer is “yes,” and the sooner you start engaging in short running sessions, the quicker you’ll feel the benefits of this activity. 

Why Is It Good to Run? 

Let’s start with the most important – how running can help you in your studies. Surprisingly, running as an exclusively physical activity has far-reaching effects on our brains. 

Better memory and brain functioning 

The 2010 study of Cambridge researchers revealed that students engaging in running for 30 minutes a day have twice better memory capacity than those who do not run. The reason for such miraculous performance is that dopamine and norepinephrine are released in the runner’s body, thus stimulating their brain cells and improving material retention. So, whenever you need to study hard and memorize large volumes of information, it’s better to start with a run-through. 

Enjoyable pastime 

Studies are draining, as you need to sit for hours and perform complex intellectual activities. Thus, you need to take a change of activity to relax and unwind. The best alternative to intellectual work is some physical workout, which can be an evening scamper. During it, you can clear your mind from all the hassles of the day, enjoy some pleasant, relaxing music in your headphones, and think of everything you did and didn’t do. Besides, it’s a great time to stay one on one with yourself after the noise and bustle of the busy, loud student classes and halls. 

A new way to socialize 

Some runners prefer to train independently to concentrate and think over the day that has passed or is ahead. Others want to have a company for their run-throughs, which is a great chance to make friends with new people and socialize with those you can’t meet on campus. You may have little time for meeting with a friend studying at another department, and you may have too much workload for the weekend to spend a night out. But what about a morning workout together? In this way, your running may turn into a pleasant meeting with a friend, which becomes twice more enjoyable. 

Confidence improvement 

Runners usually have sleek, energetic bodies, which stands in sharp contrast with the typical look of tired, sluggish students. Thus, as soon as you train regularly and feel the vigor in your body’s muscles and bones, you’re sure to feel much more confident with peers. Your healthy, energetic body can become a subject of envy and appeal, with athletic appearance enjoying never-ending popularity among the representatives of the opposite sex. 

Better discipline and perseverance 

The last but not the least bonus of daily running is the ability to nurture self-discipline and self-control. At first, a running session may be torture for you as you get tired and want to eat a pizza and fall asleep. But once you make yourself run today, tomorrow, and many days to come, you feel much more disciplined and perseverant. These skills are strategically crucial for all people without exception, helping you achieve victories and successes in studies, work, relationships, and many other areas. 

Health Benefits of Regular Running 

Besides numerous benefits for students’ overall regime, discipline, and self-control improvement, everyday running offers sizable health gains. For instance, the Harvard team studied the longitudinal effects of running on human health and discovered that people who ran for around 50 minutes a week for over 15 years were twice less likely to die of CVD, cancer, or other causes. 

Other studies confirm that regular running adds years to the person’s life span. Besides, there is clinical evidence of sleep quality improvements resulting from running sessions. Regular runners experience fewer problems with the health of their knees and backs, while the impact of running on weight loss goes without saying and does not require a mention. An interesting study outcome was revealed in 2019, with researchers discovering the intricate link between running and immunity. This kind of sport turned out to improve the body’s defense system and protect runners from diseases, lower inflammation, upper respiratory infections, and influenza. An additional health effect is the improved microbiota composition and better antibody responses. 

When Should I Start Running? 

As the presented evidence suggests, running is a gem for your academic performance boosts and overall health improvement. So, it would be best if you considered running seriously, no matter how little time you have every day. Sneaking at least 5-10 minutes for vigorous exercise or taking a tour around your dorm before sleep will do for a start, with more duration and intensity added as you adjust to small loads of exercise. 

A popular question surrounding running is the best timing for this activity. There is no definite answer to this question; early morning scampers help you wake up and get energized for the long and hectic day, while evening workouts can help you relax and unwind after long hours of study to fall asleep quicker. Some runners complain that a jogging session in the evening prevents them from falling asleep, while others take a shower and fall asleep like babies. Thus, we recommend trying both variants to see which one works better for you, sticking to that regime to derive maximum efficiency from this activity. 

College Students Running Every Day Perform Better 

As you can see, college students running regularly are better positioned than non-runners as they experience memory and performance boosts and can revive and unwind during jogging sessions. So, if you were still unsure about why is it good to run, this article uncovered all the essentials of this kind of sport. Now, grab your sneakers and run your way to a better college life!