
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

The Power Of Alignment – How Straight Teeth Improve Your Digestion

When it comes to oral health, most people focus on the aesthetic benefits of having straight teeth – but there is so much more to it than just an attractive smile! The alignment of your teeth plays a crucial role in various aspects of your general health, including how effectively you digest food.

Intrigued? Let’s find out how getting straighter teeth can not only bring you a more confident smile but can also help you to improve your digestion into the bargain.

  1. Effective Chewing

The process of digesting our food begins in our mouth. One of the main roles of your teeth is to efficiently chew your food and break it down into small, manageable chunks which your body can more easily digest.

When teeth are properly aligned, they fit harmoniously together, allowing you to chew in a balanced and coordinated way.

When your teeth are misaligned, however, chewing efficiently becomes a much more difficult task, and can even hinder the chewing process, which means the food you swallow may often enter your stomach in larger chunks.

These bigger portions are much harder for your stomach and intestines to break down – and that means the whole digestive process is likely to slow down or become confused. This can cause some unpleasant side effects ranging from uncomfortable bloating, gas to painful indigestion.

  1. Easier Cleaning – Which Means Better Oral Hygiene

If you have a crooked smile and you’ve been pondering whether metal braces or clear braces are the best course of treatment, you can easily discover the better choice for you with the help of Aligner32.

However, while you may be focussing on how they look, it’s important to remember that braces or clear aligners won’t just make your teeth look straighter – they will also make them much simpler to clean: and this has important implications for your oral health.

After all, when your teeth are straight and even, with no awkward gaps or crannies between them where bacteria and food particles can build up, they become easier to brush and floss effectively. This, in turn, makes it harder for tartar and plaque to build up and cause problems for your gums and teeth, meaning your mouth will be much healthier – and so will your digestive system.

On the other hand, if your teeth are crooked or overcrowded, you won’t be able to clean them as thoroughly. A combination of poor oral hygiene and trapped food particles will lead, over time, to the growth of bacteria and plaque formation. This will put you at more risk of tooth decay and gum disease.

  1. Say Farewell To That Dreaded Reflux

Digestive disorders plague many of us and cause significant embarrassment, pain, and discomfort; not to mention affecting our general health.

Sadly, when your teeth are misaligned, this can contribute to an increased risk of developing some common digestive complaints, including bloating, indigestion, and, in some cases, possibly even inflammatory bowel disease.

Acid reflux is another frequently reported digestive complaint that troubles many of us, especially at night. If you suffer from reflux, then you already know how unpleasant and uncomfortable it can be, and you’re probably keen to find ways to ease the condition. However, you may not have realised until now that your teeth could hold one of the keys to reducing that unwanted acid.

That’s right: if you have misaligned teeth, you’re more likely to struggle with reflux, as when your bite is out of alignment, it can put unnecessary strain on the joints and muscles of your jaws. This can lead you to develop TMJ (also known as TMD), a joint condition that causes symptoms such as headaches, neck pain, and sometimes acid reflux.

By correcting your crooked teeth and realigning your bite, you can relieve the strain on your jaw joints and potentially soothe your acid reflux at the same time.

  1. Improved Nutrient Absorption

Finally, having misaligned teeth can affect how well your saliva mixes with the food in your mouth, hampering the beginnings of the digestive process. Once the food reaches your stomach and intestines, the nutrients from your meal won’t be as effectively absorbed into your system, depriving you of the essential vitamins and minerals you need to stay healthy and nourished.

Properly chewed food is much easier for the body to process, ensuring that all of those vital nutrients that you need for good health are readily available for absorption by the time they reach your intestines.

By correcting your bite and straightening your teeth, you will optimise your digestive process and give your body the best chance of absorbing those vital nutrients with every meal. As a result, your body will receive the essential fuel it needs for optimal functioning – not to mention your overall well-being.