
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. [email protected]

Tree planting projects ongoing in Denbighshire

Pictured: Tree planting projects in Denbighshire

More than 6,300 trees and 600 metres of important wildlife hedge have been planted in the north of Denbighshire in the last four months, with funding from Natural Resources Wales and Welsh Government.

As part of the PLANT and Well Connected projects the trees have been planted in the area between Kinmel Bay and Gronant, including at a number of schools.

The planting was carried out by Denbighshire County Council’s Countryside Ranger Service and officers from Keep Wales Tidy.

Cllr Tony Thomas, the Council’s Lead Member for Housing and Communities, said: “These native trees have been planted in clusters and hedgelines to build up the green corridor through the area which will form an important habitat for local wildlife.

“I’d like to thank all the schoolchildren and volunteers who have helped staff to deliver this project, they form an essential part of conservation in our local area.

“In addition, the planting on school grounds will help pupils to learn about the importance of trees, their role in the ecosystem, and inspire them to take part in conservation efforts in the future.

“Protecting and enhancing the environment is a priority for the Council this work contributes to our climate change response and tree planting goals of the council.”