
My name is Rhys, a first time dad blogging about my adventures and experiences of being a parent. dad@dev.wales247.co.uk

University consults on new computer science and maths building

Cardiff University is consulting on its plans to develop a new purpose-built computer science and mathematics building.

The 10,000m2 building will bring together the School of Computer Science and Informatics (COMSC) and the School of Mathematics (MATHS) into one world-leading facility.

The building on Senghennydd Road will support the growth of both departments and provide opportunities for greater collaboration and research.

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The site, currently used as a University car park, is on the Cathays campus next to the Cardiff Business Technology Centre, Students’ Union and Cathays railway station.

It was selected following a feasibility study in summer 2016 that took into account criteria such as location, availability, size and public transport links.

The project forms part of the University’s biggest campus upgrade for a generation, including an investment of £260m in its teaching, learning and student experience.


Other current projects include the Centre for Student Life – a new home for student support services including social study spaces, consultation rooms and a 550-seat auditorium.

Professor Rudolf Allemann, Pro Vice-Chancellor and Head of the College of Physical Sciences and Engineering, said:

“Due to the popularity of these subjects, the computer science and mathematics schools have both begun a programme of expansion of student numbers which will result in them outgrowing their current homes at the start of the 2020/21 academic year.

“We want to take this opportunity to develop a building that brings the Schools together to enable further joint degree schemes at the cutting edge of both disciplines and allow development in new areas of research such as artificial intelligence, cyber security, data science and deep learning.”

The single six-storey building is being designed by local architect practice Stride Treglown in conjunction with internationally renowned design studio, Adjaye Associates.

Features are being incorporated to reduce the visual and physical impact of the scheme for local residents.

The design will also feature landscaping and improved pedestrian links between the Students’ Union Building and Cathays Station (and the footbridge).

This will include a contemporary plaza adjacent to the station ticket office and to the west of the building (including planting), and contemporary paving along the front of the building on Senghennydd Road.

Professor Allemann added:

“As well as providing an innovative work and study environment, new innovative teaching spaces and practices will be central to the building.

“This will allow for more flexible degree schemes and support closer involvement of industry in teaching, research and engagement.

“The new building will pioneer a way of working for the University which embodies collaboration and shared vision while retaining the distinct identities of the two Schools.”

Consultation on the plans is taking place between 27 July 2018 and 24 August 2018 and full information and the draft planning documents can be found at www.cardiffuniversitycsm.info.

Following the consultation, a planning application will then be submitted to Cardiff City Council later this summer.