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WebAR vs App-Based AR: Which is the Better Option?

Are you ready to dive headfirst into the world of augmented reality (AR) and discover the cutting-edge technology that’s changing the game for businesses and consumers alike? 

Hold on tight as we explore the battle between two of the most popular AR options: the web-based augmented reality and the app-based one. Whether you are a tech-savvy millennial or an up-and-coming Gen Z-er, you should definitely continue reading to finally discover which option reigns supreme in the world of AR.

WebAR: Advantages and Disadvantages

WebAR is a relatively new development in the world of AR, but it’s rapidly gaining popularity. One of the most significant advantages of WebAR is its ease of access. You don’t need to download an app to use it; all you need is your web browser. This means that users can access WebAR content from any device that has internet access, including smartphones, tablets, and desktop computers.

Another advantage of WebAR is its ease of implementation. As it doesn’t require users to download an app, businesses can quickly and easily create and deploy WebAR experiences. This means that smaller businesses with limited resources can still take advantage of AR technology to engage with their customers.

However, WebAR does have certain limitations, particularly when it comes to creating complex AR experiences that require a higher degree of interactivity and animation. Moreover, its access to device features like the camera and sensors may be restricted, affecting the level of accuracy and precision of AR experiences.

App-Based AR: Advantages and Disadvantages

While WebAR is gaining popularity, app-based AR remains a popular option that offers some unique advantages over its web-based counterpart. However, it has some disadvantages that businesses need to consider.

One of the most significant advantages of app-based AR is its ability to offer highly customized experiences. By requiring users to download their app, businesses can create more immersive and engaging AR interactions that are tailored to their specific audience. This level of personalization can be particularly useful for brands that want to reinforce their identity and enhance their customer engagement.

Another advantage of app-based AR is its ability to work offline, making it suitable for areas with limited or no internet access. As the app is downloaded onto the user’s device, AR experiences can be accessed even when there is no internet connection. This can be beneficial for businesses that want to use AR in remote areas or during social  events.

However, app-based AR has some limitations. Logically, one of the most significant drawbacks of app-based AR is that users need to download a specific app to access the AR content. This can be a deterrent for some users who are hesitant to download yet another app onto their smartphones. Moreover, it can be a challenge for businesses to encourage users to download their app, particularly when competing with numerous other apps on the market.

Another significant challenge is that businesses need to invest more resources in developing and maintaining the app compared to WebAR. Plus, the app’s compatibility and functionality may depend on the user’s device’s operating system, limiting its universality.

Which is Better: WebAR or App-Based AR?

So, which is better: WebAR or app-based AR? The answer wholly depends on each unique situation.

For businesses that want to quickly and easily create and deploy AR experiences, WebAR is the better option. Its ease of access and implementation makes it a great choice for those unable to devote many resources to AR development.

For businesses that strive to create more immersive and engaging AR experiences directly tied to their brand, app-based AR is the better option. Its ability to work offline and its power of customization make it a great choice for creating more complex AR experiences.

As a Brief Aside

Before we conclude, let’s take a moment to talk about one of the most innovative companies leading the charge in the world of both mobile and app AR—Banuba. Founded in 2016, Banuba has quickly become a leader in AR technology, with its advanced computer vision and deep learning algorithms offering a suite of AR solutions for businesses and developers.

Banuba’s WebAR and app-based AR solutions offer businesses the flexibility to choose the option that best suits their specific needs and goals, enabling them to create more personalized, memorable, and effective AR experiences for their audiences. 


So, augmented reality is rapidly transforming the way businesses interact with their customers, offering a whole new dimension of engagement and immersion. While both Web-based and app-based AR have their unique advantages and disadvantages, it ultimately depends on the business’s specific needs and goals.

As AR technology continues to evolve and keeps becoming more accessible, we can expect to see even more innovative uses of AR in various industries, from e-commerce to education. However, businesses should carefully consider their goals and target audience before deciding which AR option to pursue, as each of them has its unique advantages and limitations. Regardless of which option they choose, the future of AR is bright and promising, and businesses that embrace this cutting-edge technology now are likely to stay ahead of the game in the future.