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Welsh young woman becomes Pride of Britain Finalist

Molly Leonard

Molly Leonard, 26 from South Wales has been shortlisted for The King’s Trust Young Achiever Award at The Daily Mirror’s Pride of Britain Awards with TSB.

Celebrating its 25th Anniversary year, The Pride of Britain Awards celebrate the achievements of truly remarkable people who make our world and community a better place. The prestigious award ceremony takes place in London and is the biggest awards show of its kind on British TV. It will be broadcast on ITV1 on Thursday 24th October.

Every year, The King’s Trust Young Achiever Award recognises the accomplishments of a young person who has turned their life around against the odds after being supported by His Majesty The King’s charity and is now giving back to their local community by helping others do the same.

Molly has been living with anorexia for over 10 years, having first been diagnosed aged 19. Molly first secretly battled with the eating disorder whilst in school leaving a negative impact on her mental health. As she underwent her treatment far from home, Molly was left isolated from her family and friends.

“Two years ago, I almost lost my battle with my mental health. It was during this time that I realised I needed to change my path.

“I have been struggling with this eating disorder since I was 15, secretly working out in the middle of the night so that my parents didn’t know and giving away my food in school. It wasn’t until I was diagnosed whilst at university that I realised that this isn’t normal.

“I didn’t want this eating disorder to rule my life, it had been far too long.”

Determined to seek help, Molly reached out to The King’s Trust in 2022 during her last hospital admission after she was introduced to the Trust by her occupational therapist. He suggested the Enterprise programme as he saw potential in her crafting, a creative hobby that Molly picked as a child.

“Craft has always been a passion of mine. Even when I was tiny, I would sew buttons on to bits of felt and give them to people. It became an outlet for me when I had nothing else in my life, it was something I could do wherever I was and gave me a sort of satisfaction of achievement.

“During my many hospital admissions, I would run craft workshops for other patients, bringing a bit of light into dark times. Our crafts in the hospital got quite imaginative. But we did what we could with what we had!”
Though challenging, Molly embraced each moment of the Enterprise programme with her love for crafting, by launching ‘Craft with Me Molly Bee’ where she provides mindful craft workshops designed to improve general mental wellbeing for groups of children, young people, and adults.

Since launching, Molly has also secured her first job in over 5 years, gone back into education, and received funding to further develop her business.

“This funding allows me to help and work with people who otherwise wouldn’t be able to afford my workshops” Molly says, something very important to her as she continues to expand ‘Craft with Me Molly Bee’ with services for the community.

On becoming a finalist Molly said:

“I was so shocked and honoured to find out I’d been nominated, I’m just me, doing my best! I want to help people by sharing what’s helped me overcome huge challenges in life.

“It’s thanks to the Trust that I’ve been able to do this and to turn my life around to be well enough to make a difference in the world! To have my achievements in the last two years seen and recognised is honestly amazing.”

“To have got as far as being a finalist is beyond what I ever could have imagined achieving, there are so many other amazing young people being supported by The King’s Trust, I’m so thankful and humbled to have been made a finalist of The King’s Trust Young Achiever Award.”

Molly is one of the four finalists shortlisted for the prestigious award who visited The King’s Trust South London Centre to meet with the judging panel, which included representatives from ITV, The Mirror and The King’s Trust.

The winner will be invited to receive their award and special recognition at the star-studded award ceremony recorded in London on 24th October.